Museum Travel Wishlist

Sydney is back in lockdown. I’ve had my six week introduction to wheel-throwing pottery class cancelled, my friends birthday picnic postponed and I’m back WFH indefinitely, again. That’s all fine, of course, it’s better to be lockdown for the safety of the community and prevent further cases. But it does mean all museums and galleries are closed again. My plans to travel to the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) and the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) to see their new exhibitions need to be postponed.

So instead to distract me from the fact I need to stay home for awhile I’m listing the top 10 museums I want to visit around the world if I could right now. A little mixture of some I’ve never been to before and others I have been to before and just miss (*).

  1. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

    The MFA has been on my must visit list for a long time, because of the quality of their collection and my love for the city. I know I said this list wasn’t in order, but I think this is the museum I’d most love to visit right now. I’d love to stop past Tatte Bakery in the morning for coffee and an almond croissant, wander across to the MFA to see the Monet and Boston: Legacy Illuminated exhibition and then onto the Paul Cezanne Influences exhibition. And maybe, if there’s enough time in the afternoon, the Isabelle Stewart Gardener Museum too (is this cheating?).

  2. The Museum of Ancient Antiquities, Cairo

    I am eager to visit Egypt as soon as possible. I studied Ancient History, with a focus on Ancient Egypt and the Middle East for my Bachelor’s Degree. I have long imagined what it would be like to see the obelisks, temples and statues for myself, taking thousands photos I will stare at on my phone for years to come.

  3. The Centre Pompidou, Paris

    I have travelled to Paris more times than any other city and I still haven’t been to all the museums, or spent enough time there to see everything I want to. Somehow I keep missing this gem and next time it’s at the top of the list!

  4. The Art Institute, Chicago

    I’ve never been to Chicago. America is somewhere I’ve not been enough, there’s so much to do but it is the next city I want to visit (after going back to LA and NYC first though!).

  5. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

    I spent 2019 New Years in Amsterdam, falling completely in love with the city despite knowing I couldn’t have picked a worse weekend to have visited. I was convinced I was going to be back and very soon, and so I didn’t rush around the city visiting every museum. I was on my own for most of the trip so picked little museums (Rembrandt’s house was especially amazing), but I never did end up going back. So it’s on the list because I should have done it while I had the chance. I love there Instagram, it’s one of my favourites because of it’s original content and how much I learn with every post. It keeps reminding me of how still I was to assume I’d be able to go back so quickly.

  6. Museum of Modern Art, New York (*)

    I went to the MONA on my birthday in 2017, alone. I was visiting my best friend for two weeks while she was doing an internship in NYC and was working during the day so I spent the day doing my favourite things - cupcakes from the Sprinkles ATM, a walk around Spring Street to visit the Glossier showroom and of course, the MOMA before meeting my friend after she’d finished working for Shake Shack and seeing ‘Anastasia’ on Broadway. It was one of the best days ever and I want to re-do that exact day again.

  7. The Blue House, Mexico City

    Frida Kahlo is one of the most fascinating people in history. Seeing her house, with her paintings and clothes, which was later turned into a museum would be a dream come true. I want to see the garden and home which inspired her so much. I also want to eat all the tacos and drink a lot of margaritas.

  8. Queensland Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane

    For my birthday (now I can’t go to Hawaii) I would love a trip to Brisbane, staying at the Callie Hotel, sipping rosé by the pool after the morning looking at art at the QAGOMA. They currently have an exhibition on from the Met called European Masterpieces which looks incredible. I’ve never been to Brisbane but the food scene looks great and I’m keen for some beaches combined with art.

  9. Studio Ghibli Museum, Tokyo

    Does this one need explaining? I want to live inside a Ghibli movie. I wish you could take photos inside this museum, but apparently it’s not allowed so I don’t know what to expect. I’m assuming a lot of beautiful illustrations and the history of the Studio itself. Just thinking about this museum is making me want to watch Kiki’s Delivery Service again.

  10. Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg (*)

    Russia is one of those places my soul is attracted to. I love learning about the history of Russia and the museum has so much of it displayed. I will always want to go back here and explore the hundreds of rooms, filled with treasures from history around the globe.


Update: Life in Lockdown


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